Car charm is made of leather & cowhide in a family boot shop in Texas.
- The charm is leopard hair on hide on one side and leather the other side. Each charm is stitched together. The charm can be hung from the rear view mirror, placed under the seat, or just about anywhere in the vehicle, trailer, camper, home, barn, the possibilities are endless.
- Each charm comes with a 1 oz. bottle of BAJA CACTUS BLOSSOM scent.
- BAJA CACTUS BLOSSOM Scent: a popular Bath and Body Works fragrance.
- The charm comes with a stretchy string to hang it with.
- The charm can be re-scented by misting the hair side of the charm with the scent BAJA CACTUS BLOSSOM.
- ONLY USE 1-2 MISTS OF OIL AT A TIME AS NEEDED to re-scent the charm (your bottle of oil should last over a year!)